Brand Stewardship: An Interview with David Kincaid

Learn why social activism is the next frontier of consumer empowerment, what the golden age of brand management can teach today’s leaders and why the new 4Ps (People, Process, Partnership and IP) should be on every CEO’s radar.

Level5 Strategy Founder David Kincaid brings these topics into the open in his interview to Customer First Thinking Podcaster Stephen Shaw:

Click here for the podcast episode and the full podcast transcript.

About The Brand-Driven CEO

The Brand-Driven CEO demonstrates how senior leadership can use their brand to align and guide the behaviours, decisions, and operations of their entire organization and drive brand and shareholder value. Author David Kincaid delivers practical assessments and game plans for senior executives and managers across functional areas, clarifying the confusion between brand and marketing management. He introduces the “New 4P’s” of brand management: people, process, IP, and partnerships. This paradigm shift equips business leaders with a new approach to managing growth, profitability, risk, and sustainable value creation.

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